Google launches job search in Pakistan

Google has launched a new job search in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Now it will be easier for people to seek jobs in the region from job listing websites and companies to get employed.

To provide a list of jobs across the web, the new feature is built directly into Google Search. At launch, job search will have hundreds of thousands of job listings from thousands of sites.

Job seekers can now search for jobs related to any field whether part-time or full-time.  Clicking on any job in this listing opens up comprehensive information about the posting such as job title, location, and several other important details – from summaries and links to reviews and ratings of the employer by trusted sources, to the commute between the workplace and home.

The feature will then direct people to the job listing page on the respective website to learn more information or submit their application.

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Built to work both on mobile and desktop, job search comes equipped with a number of tools, making it easier for job seekers to find opportunities that fit their unique needs. With smart filters for categories such as job type, location, posting date, or company type, people can get customized results with a couple of taps. Job listings can also be saved or shared with friends and colleagues, and people can sign up for alerts to receive notifications when relevant new listings are posted for those searches.

To help the larger ecosystem of job providers, Google has released open documentation, which will assist organizations big and small to make their job openings discoverable on the new search experience, using open structured web markup standards that Google supports. Businesses can benefit from the new experience by making their job listings more discoverable on Google, creating a win-win situation for both job-seekers and employers.

The Search experience is available in English on the Google app on Android and iOS, and in Google Search on desktop and mobile.