There are lots of things that can be done to increase the overall happiness of your organization. We will now look at a couple of them.
- Hire Happy People
It is best to hire people who are naturally happy since they will make your overall workplace much more lighthearted without any significant preparation. When hiring, most people focus on the interviewee’s past achievements, experience etc. However, it is fine to pay attention to those things, but you should also pay close attention to their natural personality.
Even though a person may seem like the perfect fit based on their resume, they are not necessarily the best person to bring into your workplace according to DST. You need to also pay attention to what is intangible. You should pay attention to how you actually feel around the person. Take note of whether they focus their own attention on the positive or negative things in the interview. You should look at whether they laugh and smile and whether they can possibly create and encourage positive relationships. Even though their personal track record and performance is essential, you should also be aware that even a highly achieved person who is gloomy will greatly reduce overall happiness, productivity and motivation levels in your workplace.
- Pay Attention To The Community
You should also encourage co-workers to say hi to one another. This sounds like a very simple thing to encourage, but it is a great way to build the community in your workplace that most people tend to forget. You can initiate this by making it into a policy that everyone says hi. You should choose various people from different levels of your company and ensure they do so. Once everyone starts to acknowledge one another, it will completely change the workplace for the better.
- Break The Routine Once In Awhile
It is hard to focus on the big picture, during especially busy times. As a result, this often prevents planning fun activities and events that can make everyone in the workplace happier. You should treat your workers by planning a surprise which is fun. For example, you can plan an entire day at the amusement park, massage treatments for everyone, movie and lunch or dinner etc. You should think about all the various ways you can make your employees happier and improve overall morale.
- Make Sure Your Employees Know That You Care
The Hawthorne effect is basically when people feel that they are cared about, their productivity increases. This effect highlights the importance of a supportive work environment, as productivity can be significantly hindered when an employer displays aggression in the workplace. If you work in a government agency, there are lawyers for federal employees that can help you with any employment-related concerns.
It actually makes people happier when they are asked about themselves and their lives. Now, this doesn’t mean that you spend hours with them every day, talking about every detail of their lives. However, you should take some time to ask each person how they are and what’s going on with them.
- Selfish Thinking Should Be Encouraged Sometimes
One of the secrets of getting people to be happy at their workplace is to encourage them with their own career goals according to professionals. So, when each person feels like they are working towards the advancement of their career, the little stresses of day to day work doesn’t seem so challenging. As a result, difficult days are better managed. Once each person is focused on obtaining their personal career goal, they will not become negative and can separate themselves from their jobs.
- Look On The Positive
Most workplaces often get caught up in being negative. They usually talk about what didn’t work as opposed to what did work. So, you should seek to actively change that conversation and focus on the positive. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore the bad things that happened, but keep more awareness on the good.
- Help The Wider Community With Employees
You should always strive to try and give back to your community or the world at large. You should make this into a company-wide initiative and do so with your employees. You can start by taking a poll to find out what people are interested in and care about. Then, you can find out how everyone in your organization can help to accomplish those goals and help the community.