Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor has recently revealed that he might soon convert to Islam to marry his longtime girlfriend Katrina Kaif. Katrina Kaif belongs to a Muslim family while Ranbir is from a Hindu one. In Islam it is not permissible for Muslim women to marry Hindu men.
There have been rumors for more than a year saying that Kaif might be ready to be tied down to her boyfriend, Ranbir Kapoor. Both of them have managed to stay silent on these reports and based on the actress’s statement to an Indian newspaper last month, this is not going to change.
“A private person [like me] doesn’t like to talk about sensitive and delicate topics like relationship and love,” Kaif said to an Indian newspaper. “And if that (being silent) is misconceived as arrogance, then it’s the ignorance of that person [who forms such a perception about me].”
The actress then revealed what she and her boyfriend’s main focus is right now.
“At the moment, we are focusing on work.”
If the two stars ever decide to get hitched, Kaif gave the impression that she’d be willing to discuss it then.
“When you decide to get married, and are prepared to tell the world that ‘we are making a commitment,’ you become comfortable with people talking about it,” she said. “I want everyone in the world to attend my wedding.”
Despite whatever step she and Kapoor may be in, one thing is for sure- the actress is happy.
“I am happy and at peace,” she said. “I am also a bit superstitious to speak about these things beyond a point in public. What’s private should remain private.”
Both Ranbir and Katrina had been in other affairs before they started dating each other. While Katrina tried her luck with Salman Khan, Ranbir dangled with Deepika yet as soon as they met each other, it seems they were made for each other.
Let’s just hope that we get to hear the good news soon!