Karachi : Malik Riaz Hussain, the CEO of Bahria Town said that he would try to compensate for the loss of Abdul Sattar Edhi. Earlier in the week, eight to ten dacoits looted the Edhi Head Office in Mithadar. The robbers took away about Rs. 30 Millions worth of gold and cash.
“I respect Abdul Sattar Edhi and I can’t leave him alone in difficult times.”, said Mr. Malik Riaz who has praised Abdul Sattar Edhi for his services to the country in particular, and towards humaity, in general.
Mr. Edhi told BBC that “I am heartbroken, after everything I have done, I never thought I’d be voilated like this inside my own house”. Abdul Sattar Edhi has been devastated by this incident and is still trying to recuperate from said tragedy. We wish him all the best and Mr. Malik Riaz’s helping hand in the process is highly appreciable.