Naked man caught on camera, calls for ‘Democracy’ in Pakistan

This is not because the ‘naked man’ is drunk. Maybe, he is just a moron. Another reason for this stupidity could be that he is inspired by the asshole (Waqar Zaka). But to our surprise, he is just a normal guy fed up with living in a fake democracy. So this is his unique way to lodge a protest.


It would have been better if he had shown his genitalia to really show us that he means business.

But the fact is: The heroic ‘naked man’ ran in his underwear in cold weather. He risked getting caught by the police. But this is how a revolution can come in the land of the pure where democracy is just a ‘sham’.

If only there were more such individuals fighting for democracy in this god-forsaken country. It’s time the people of this country unite for a single cause: To bring Real DEMOCRACY!

Down with Imran Khan Niazi!

Down with PML-N!

Down with PPP!

May God help this nation.