Pakistani custom officials at Benazir International Airport Rawalpindi had arrested the supermodel Ayyan Ali on the charges of money laundering. According to the reports, Ayyan Ali was allegedly smuggling $550,00 to Dubai. How she was arrested, a CCTV footage has been released.
Asif Ali Zardari
Ayyan Ali is pregnant!
In another shocking news from the Ayyan Ali saga, ARY TV host Mubashir Luqman has revealed that she is five months pregnant.
Seven reasons why Zardari might be the coolest dude on the face of this earth
Zardari is a guy who despite having always been embroiled in controversy has managed to remain successful throughout his life.
Zardari murdered his uncle’s daughter and many more claims Zulfiqar Mirza!
In another shocking revelation Zulfiqar Mirza claimed that Pakistan’s ex-President Asif Ali Zardari was directly involved in the murder of his uncle’s daughter and many other people in order to consolidate his hold over power!
Zulfiqar Mirza catches Zardari red handed in bed with Ayyan Ali!
Shockingly Zulfiqar Mirza claims that even in her lifetime Benazir Bhutto had caught Zardari in bed with other women and Mr. Zardari has long had a soft corner in his heart for beautiful bimbos like Ayyan Ali!