If you believe that China-Pakistan economic corridor (or CPEC as it is more commonly known) is just a superhighway than perhaps you face a serious dearth of knowledge for far from this not only will CPEC take Pak-China partnership to new heights but make facilitation of trade the backbone of Pakistan’s future foreign and economic policy.
Marathon halted because women started running after a handsome traffic cop!
The traffic cop, 29-year-old Long Tao, had to finally call for backup as runners started to mob him to take photos with him instead of running towards finish line.
Pakistan at the crossroads of history!
Pakistan today stands at the crossroads of history. We are ruled by a corrupt pseudo democracy in which the corrupt get elected and then plunder in billions!
Is China Taking Over The World?
The Chinese takeover of the world, is a rhetoric that has become common in the west in recent years and though the Chinese show no such intentions at present the west seems keen on the reality of this.