Google has launched a new job search in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Now it will be easier for people to seek jobs in the region from job listing websites and companies to get employed.
Google labels India as ‘unfaithful’ country’
Which is the most ‘treacherous or unfaithful’ country in the world? In – what could be deemed as one of the most awkward moments in recent Internet history – Google said India.
Wedding costs most searched item on Google in Pakistan
A cost-estimating website has highlighted cost obsessions in Pakistan with their fascinating maps using Google’s autocomplete feature.
Google adds 7 new countries to list of supported Play Store Merchants
Google has extended the availability of its Play Store Merchant accounts by adding Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Puerto Rico, Qatar, and Venezuela.
Facebook vs Google War
Google an American multinational company stands with its very own dominant presence as one of the most popular internet services and products in the world, and covers almost everything that exists in this universe regarding to the information.