Yes, we have got your attention now, we were just as surprised as you are right now. Meet Taurees Habib, a 28-year-old Pakistani who has worked for a bunch of soundtracks for Hollywood films with Hans Zimmer.
Crazy fan steals Jennifer Aniston’s underwear!
Ever since her Breakup with Brad Pitt a decade ago this lady has been in the limelight for her several failed relationships with men ranging from military to showbiz. Nevertheless she has got her set of fans and apparently one of them shocked the world when he or she dared to venture into her trailer while Jennifer Aniston was filming in Chicago and stole her lingerie.
Is Lindsay Lohan converting to Islam!
Controversial Hollywood actress and singer Lindsay Lohan has been spotted carrying a Holy Quran while leaving the Duffield’s children Center at the first day of her court ordered community service!
“American Sniper”: A Racist Propaganda
The newly released action thriller American Sniper though a high grosser at box office, the movie depicts the story of Kyle, a US marine with the highest kill rate in history. Immediately after completing his training, Kyle is sent off to war in Iraq.