Technology Today – Invading The Minds

While necessity is the mother of invention, change is hard to embrace as well. Whenever there is a wave of change, people become a part of it with skepticism, however, not long after that, it becomes a necessity. Same is the case with every new era of technology: it effects everyone and everything, it changes the way we do stuff, it changes our points of view and the whole economy.

It takes some time to get settled down, and soon after that, a new era begins. One such example is cell phones – they started off as luxury, and today, they have become a necessity. The initial revolutionary cell phones looked like Nokia 3310 – however, in a matter of only a few years, people were seen with smartphones with iOS and Android technologies. You can purchase many of these smartphones online at websites like as well now.

Artificial Intelligence:

We say that technology is everywhere, entwined with everything we do – but do we have any idea exactly how invasive it is? According to the scientists and engineers, currently our world is at the verge of the next big technological shift. This shift will bring forth artificial intelligence and robotics. This new technology will be used in every field and everywhere in our daily lives. While it is true that the idea is far-fetched and we cannot predict anything for sure, but it is very much a possibility that this next era will be all about robotics.

Many great scientists, including Stephen Hawkins are of the opinion that not very far in the future, artificial intelligence will take over the world. That future, so often seen in sci-fi movies where man-made robots conquer the world can be what awaits us. However, then we will have no one to put the blame on.

Apart from the prophecies of destruction, there are many exciting news in the future as well. For instance, self-driving cars are already being tested, so that is one technology that we might actually look forward to. Automated robots will be put up for labor work, so soon the physical work might totally become alien to the mankind. According to a rough estimate, the technology might reach that point by 2025.

Jobs and Economy:

Yes, economy will take a big turn as the new era of technology falls upon us. However, statistics aren’t as bad as we imagine. With the rising technology, many complexities have started to rise as well. For instance, in the past decade, a huge demand of many job positions, such as web developers, network support specialists, technicians, security analysts, logisticians and network architects was seen. Other than that, there is a great demand of graphic designers. With this great change will emerge a number of problems as well as solutions. Some of the things that the analysts have in mind include inequality – there will be a lot of discrimination between the skilled workers and the non-skilled ones. In the past, the changes happened at interval of decades, however, today these changes have started happening so rapidly that the world is having a hard time catching up. Lastly, the rising AI technology and robotics has formed hundreds of job opportunities and wages of those who are skilled will improve drastically.