With the summers approaching no doubt we are all looking for a place to go. Well here might just be the perfect solution.
The Ninawa International Hotel in Iraq which had recently been captured by ISIS has been reopened with all its previous luxuries though minus the bar!
Before ISIS owned it, the Ninawa had good reviews but leaving aside the ISIS being some crazy mullahs who they no doubt are but just look at the bigger picture!
Just like ISIS sell oil at cheaper price, just like ISIS buy weapons at higher prices to full fill their dreams of creating a medieval empire in the twenty first century, ISIS hotels also means cheap stay, a cheap vacation!
And the crazy mullahs of ISIS have actually been selling their so called captured women as slaves! Undoubtedly they offer this as a part of their complete vacation package (no need to elaborate but remember Hurrem Sultan)!
As of today the Iraqi army has retaken many of the territories lost to ISIS before and is on the move for the final kill so folks before this hotel too is conquered maybe we need to hurry up.