Naya Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan has decided not to commit suicide and so has backtracked on his earlier promise that he will prefer committing suicide than to go for an IMF deal.
This is a testament to his quote: “A leader who doesn’t take a U-Turn is not a leader”. Fair enough. But the problem is: he takes countless U-turns. And many a time, he has gone back from a principally right decision, hence it doesn’t count as a course correction.
The PTI government has struck a $6 billion deal with IMF. This deal also goes against Imran Khan’s “Madina Ki Riyasat” claim as it will be upon the poor people to face the burden of harsh economic conditions like rising inflation, increase in utility bills like electricity and gas, and unemployment.
But “Ghabrana Nhe Hai”, Kaptaan will deal with the crisis handsomely just like he won the 92 Cricket World Cup out of nowhere.
Make no mistake: I’m not against going to IMF but this is just silly. If you didn’t know you would have to go to IMF then why take such an extreme stance. It is common for politicians to make tall claims and promises before elections but no leader of a mainstream party went this far.
So sorry PTI fans, this is not the fault of “Patwaris” or PPP. This is nothing but your leader Imran Khan’s own doing.