I used to go to Express Tribune for news, but they changed their website for more pictures and fewer stories. Dawn lost me a long time ago when they went to their Short Attention Span Theatre format. So I look at Daily Pakistan.
Approximately every second link is Click Bait. They have some interesting titles. ‘You must know’, ‘World War 3 is happening tomorrow’, ‘Sunny Leone is converting to Islam’ That sort of thing. (NB: I made those up.) and when you read the news there’s nothing anything related to the title. This implies Daily Pakistan is just another entertainment and funny news website like 9gag or UniLad. You cannot take it seriously for real and important news. Still, I have seen people following Daily Pakistan for a daily read. I guess our people likes being fooled.
Some examples from Daily Pakistan:
I learned months ago not to click on those, no matter how interesting they look. I’ve no time for clicking through things. And I object to having to make unnecessary clicks to increase someone’s revenue. Fair enough they do that, but I don’t have to play. But now, as I said, every second link is click bait. It annoys me.