Zardari hosted three of his American girlfriends in Presidency claims Zulfiqar Mirza

Asif Ali Zardari is a man who has a habit of surprising everybody. From being a persona non grata in Pakistan only ten years ago, seven years back he rose out of disgrace to become the President of Pakistan.

From being a pauper playboy only thirty years ago, he rose to become the First Husband or whatever is the opposite of First lady, of Pakistan twenty seven years back.

And now finally the most amazing aspect of the man is revealed as Zulfiqar Mirza claims Zardari as a President decided instead of bowing down to the sanctity of the office he should mould it to his own taste by inviting over three of his American girlfriends to Aiwan-e-Sadr Pakistan.  

One can only wonder what Zardari was doing with this three to one ratio. Could it be possible that while the ordinary people of Pakistan were busy toiling through their hard lives our President was busy merry making in the Presidency?

Could it be possible that while the ordinary people of Pakistan were braving regular suicide bombings our President protected by guards hired by Pakistani taxpayers’ money could have been in the midst of some cheerful moments with his white American girlfriends (three to be precise)?

If the allegations of Zulfiqar Mirza are proven true than this would certainly give another major blow to People’s Party which already is struggling to survive even in its home province of Sindh and might even prematurely end the career of Baby Bhutto who even after being launched in Pakistani politics countless times has failed to make an impact.

Bravo Zardari, you certainly are unique in every respect!